Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Take me to the water....

This weekend we celebrated a joyous occasion... Lucy Clare's baptism. I have dreamed of this day since I knew I wanted to be a mommy and it was just as a pictured it! She was baptized after the 10 o'clock mass and then came back to our house for a wonderful cookout. It was a fabulous day with good friends, family, and the waters of our Lord! Praise be to God!

This is my beloved with whom I am well pleased!

Godparents Sam and Brandi.. I know they will help us raise her in the Lord!

Monday, August 17, 2009

One month!

Lucy Clare--- You are one month old today! My, how you have grown!
What are you up to these days?
(This wonderful idea was taken from Kelly at kellyskornerblog. She is an amazing Christian mother! I love reading about both her and her sweet baby girl!)

  • You are sleeping 4 hours at a time at night, sometimes more!

  • You have begun to focus on things.

  • You do not like to sleep on your back. You like your side (like your momma!) or you will only sleep in your bouncy seat.

  • You are drinking 4 oz of formula every 3 to 4 hours.

  • At our last appointment, you weighed 9.7 pounds!

  • You wear a size 1 diaper.

  • You are slowly growing out of your newborn clothes, but size 3 months are still too big on you!

  • We had a problem with you spitting up too much and it coming out of your nose, but we have found bottles that are stopping that!

  • You love to take a bath! Daddy and I have a great routine for bathtime! Daddy gets it ready while I get you ready. We both bathe you and talk to you! Then, mommy takes you to get dressed and Daddy fixes your bottle. You love it!

  • Mommy feeds you after bathtime. I have made a CD of songs and I sing to you while I feed you.

  • My song to you is " Make you feel my Love" by Bob Dylan (but we like the Adele version).

  • Daddy calls you his little "sugar plum" and you love it!

  • You are such a good girl when we go out in public! You are such a happy baby!

  • Everyone thinks you are so gorgeous! (and you are!)

  • We bought you an exercise mat and you like to lay there and talk to the lion and the bear. You hit them with your fists and get so excited!

  • You have your Papa wrapped around your finger. He is a changed man!

  • Your hair is growing longer everyday. It is still a little red to me, but sometimes it looks dark brown.

  • You like to suck on your passy when you get tired.

  • Mommy has a special way to hold you to make you stop crying. Works every time!
  • You have rolled over from your belly to your back two times! I can't catch you doing it though!
  • You have stayed with your Gammy and Big D so Mommy and Daddy can go eat or shopping. The dogs love you when you come over.

Daddy and I love you very much and we thank God everyday for His blessing! We are so complete with you in our lives! Happy one month birthday, baby!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

and these are the days of our lives...

4 weeks ago I welcomed someone incredibly amazing into my life. I wanted to share her birth story so that one day, she can look back on this post and see how she changed two peoples lives for the better. Scott and I could not love anything more!

On Tuesday July 14th, I was scheduled to be induced. Scott and I had dinner with all our friends in Tuesday Night Dinner bunch at Old Mill. Surprisingly, we were both very calm considering we were soon to be holding a baby! We got to Flowers Hospital and met our great nurse Whitney. (Really...she was so fabulous!) Dr. Nichols came in after we got settled and explained how Cervadil works and inserted it so that I could begin to dilate. Mom, Heather, Debbie and Lee J came up to keep me company and make me laugh and Brandi B was on her way from Gainesville to be here for the birth. Everyone left when I got to have my Ambien to sleep.... and everyone was so excited because the next day would be a birth... or so we thought!

Wednesday morning Dr. Mullins came in early and broke my water and I was not dilated. Oh... and this is when contractions started. I (for some reason) would not get the epidural right away, even though Scott was begging me to get it and promising me we would never have another child! As soon as Mom got there she convinced me to get the epi and good lord, I am so glad I did! I went from pain city to "feeling like I was at the beach!" By mid morning, all my good friends and family had come to be there for the birth of LC. Everyone was taking bets on when she would get here. I labored with no pain all day long. Yes. all. day. long. I think I finally dilated to 3 cm at midnight that night. The best part was, all my friends and family stayed. I think the waiting room was full of my friends and family. It was great knowing they were all there to support us!

Finally, around 11:30 pm, Dr. Mullins said it was time to do a c-section because LC was not moving into position, I was not dilating, and by this point, I was running a low fever and LC's heart rate was slowing down. We said good-bye to all our friends, said a prayer, cried some tears and they wheeled me to L&D.

I had watched enough "Deliver Me's" on Discovery so I knew exactly what was going to happen. At 1:03am, Lucy Clare made her entrance into the world. She and Scott went to the nursery while they finished with me. I think this is when my husband became a mushball and fell in total love with his baby! :) All that waiting for my friends and family was now over as everyone stared into the nursery window at sweet baby Lucy! After they finished with me, they moved me back to the room and I was able to hold and nurse LC. It was such an amazing feeling! By this time, it was close to 3 in the morning. I had labored for 17 hours and been up for almost 24. I was exhausted. By the time we got to our real room it was almost 4 am. We loved on Lucy and I fed her and I crashed!

A few days later I became anemic and Lucy started losing too much weight due to my not producing enough milk. While I was very scared, I had a wonderful nurse named Angie who was my angel. She took such good care of me and was so patient as I learned to breastfeed, and later when she brought the news that I needed to give LC some formula, she was there to teach me to pump and help me emotionally through all the scary stuff. She was definitely a life saver and was my sweet angel! I am forever grateful to her!

Lucy and I were finally discharged on Monday, July 20th. She is the most laid back wonderful baby! She loves to be held, loves to hear me sing, and eats and sleeps like a champ. I am so in love.

I have slowly been recovering from the c-section. I have really good days and days I am really sore. All in all, it has been really good.

And it was so worth the long labor and the pain for my sweet little girl!
Much love to all these people who stuck in out at the hospital:

Mom, Dad, Heather, Lee J, Brandi B, Debbie, Amy, Grant, Alicia P, Caroline G, Brandy R, Grant M

Love all of you!