Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Take me to the water....

This weekend we celebrated a joyous occasion... Lucy Clare's baptism. I have dreamed of this day since I knew I wanted to be a mommy and it was just as a pictured it! She was baptized after the 10 o'clock mass and then came back to our house for a wonderful cookout. It was a fabulous day with good friends, family, and the waters of our Lord! Praise be to God!

This is my beloved with whom I am well pleased!

Godparents Sam and Brandi.. I know they will help us raise her in the Lord!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

YAY! How wonderful!!! We went to the Baptism Preparation class last wee - we can't wait for Anna Lee's. I know that feeling you mentioned - the anticipation is almost unbearable!